Create New Email Account Via DirectAdmin

/ Home DirectAdmin Create New Email Account Via DirectAdmin

This article will show you how to create a new email account via DirectAdmin Control Panel. Please kindly refer to the guide below:


1. Please login to the DirectAdmin, how to login to DirectAdmin, click here.


2. Locate the Email Management section, and click on Email Accounts.

3. There are three fields and four textboxes to fill up. All are compulsory.


  • First, the username of an email account is the email address
  • Second, the preferred password. Please use a strong password with a combination of Symbols, Upper and lower case alphabets, and numeric characters. The preferred length would be at least eight characters or longer.
  • Third, re-enter the password.
  • Forth, setting the email quota in the Meg / MB / Megabytes.

4. The screen capture is the sample whereby an email account [email protected] will be created with the password ( black dots ) with a quota of 500 MB. Then, click Create Button to create the email account.

5. The screen capture below shows that the [email protected] email account has been created with the password “!@#DeMo123 which is considered a strong password. The POP3 and SMTP servers are which will be used to configure the email client, such as Microsoft Outlook, Apple Mail, etc.

Should you need any assistance, please get in touch with us via [email protected] or chat with our support personnel (when they’re online). Please click here for Live Help.

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