Reset Email Account Password & Quota via DirectAdmin

/ Home DirectAdmin Reset Email Account Password & Quota via DirectAdmin

This article will show you how to reset passwords and modify email quota for email accounts via DirectAdmin Control Panel. Please kindly refer to the guide below:


1. Please login to the DirectAdmin, how to login to DirectAdmin, click here.


2. Locate the Email Management section, and click on Email Accounts.

3. As the screen capture below shows, DirectAdmin created a list of email accounts. Over here, we’ve only made one email account. The first one is the default admin email account which we highly recommend leaving as it is. We will later show you how to reset the password and email quota.

4. Click on the Change located in the same row as the email account you want to do a password reset or quota reset. The screen capture shows the screen that will appear once the Change link has been clicked. It looks very similar to the email account creation screen.

5. To reset the password, please enter your new password and re-enter it to confirm it will do. Resetting the email quota is very straightforward, too. All you have to do is to enter any size in MB that you wish. That’s it, simple.

6. Once done, Click Modify to update the email account with a new password and new quota, as the screen capture below will show you the summary of what you have modified. Please note that if you want to reset the password only, please leave the Email Quota unchanged. And, if you would like to change the Email Quota only, please leave the Password blank.

Should you need any assistance, please get in touch with us via [email protected] or chat with our support personnel (when they’re online). Please click here for Live Help.

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